
Trauma Therapy

Trauma therapy for professionals.

Do you dread starting work every day? Or do you find that bad memories are interfering with your life and happiness?

 Many professionals I work with have experienced this or something similar. They are sometimes dealing with lingering effects from past trauma. In other cases they might be struggling with current stressors, such as ongoing micro-traumas in their personal or work life.

 Perhaps you’re going through this as well. Do any of the following experiences sound familiar?

  • Feeling on edge, as if something dangerous is around the corner
  • Waiting for the ball to drop at work or in your personal life
  • Feeling anxious every morning when starting the day
  • Avoiding feelings or memories that seem just under the surface
  • Repeated thoughts about a past event
  • “Micro” traumas, like a boss that always was, or is, criticizing
  • Dealing with workplace bullies
  • Worrying about being fired at anytime
  • Feeling dependent on a higher level of income to keep up with expenses

I help people deal with these and related stressors. If you’d like to skip ahead and find support now, you can go ahead and schedule an appointment here.

Are you dealing with complex trauma?

Many people think that trauma always refers to one major event, such as an assault or accident. While many of my clients have gone through that as well, they also deal with smaller traumas on a daily basis. We sometimes call these micro-traumas.

If you’ve ever dreaded going to work every morning because of how you’ll be treated, or felt that you put your all into your job and are never recognized, you know what I mean.

Other work-related traumas might include feeling tied to your phone, having more and more responsibilities added to your shoulders, or feeling dismissed or even ridiculed when you ask for support.

Small traumas can also occur in our personal lives. You may have memories from your childhood that always come up, or a past relationship you can never quite let go of.

Continuing micro-traumas can develop into what’s called complex trauma. While post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) might occur after one big event, complex trauma builds up. And it can be just as damaging.

It’s unfortunate that so many people would otherwise enjoy their jobs and their work if they weren’t dealing with so many negative experiences from the past. That’s why I’m passionate about helping those who are struggling with current and previous traumatic events and micro-traumas.

If you’re looking for support now, I’m here to help. Schedule an appointment to get started.

How Accelerated Resolution Therapy helps.

If you’re currently experiencing trauma, we’ll develop a coping and safety plan to help with the situation. It might involve making changes, asking for help, or setting new boundaries. 

But even if you feel safe now, you might continue to struggle with trauma relating to the past. To help, I often offer a treatment called accelerated resolution therapy (ART).

ART is similar to the popular therapy EMDR (eye movement desensitization and reprocessing). However, it’s more efficient, and in my experience, more effective than EMDR. It works faster and causes less stress.

Many of the same elements are included, such as eye movement and processing of your trauma(s). However, you spend less time focused on memories. You can share as little or as much as you want about your past.

Some of the benefits you might experience from accelerated resolution therapy include:

  • Fewer intrusive thoughts, like negative memories, popping up
  • Feeling less anxious and on-edge
  • Experiencing more peace and understanding of the past
  • Less worry about your work and your future
  • Improvement in mood and depression

Most people who participate in ART treatment feel better within just a few sessions. Rather than dealing with trauma symptoms for years, you can start to feel better right away. Many of my clients have said it made a life-changing difference going forward.

I’d be happy to talk more about ART and if it’s right for you. You can schedule any time.


What if I'm not ready?

Dealing with trauma can be scary, and many people feel uncertain about it. After all, if it was easy it wouldn’t be traumatic! Your treatment is always in your hands, and we’ll only address the past if and when you’re ready.

Meanwhile, you might be dealing with other problems, such as depression, general stress, or transitions in your career or personal life. I can offer help with many problems that overlap with trauma and make it worse.

Over time, you may decide you no longer need trauma treatment, or that you’re ready to move forward with it. The last thing I want to do is add more stress. You’ll always be in the driver’s seat.

If you have questions or would like to learn more, I’m here to support you. Visit here to get in touch.

Isn't feeling challenged normal?

I get it. Work isn’t all rainbows and sunshine. You may have a job that’s inherently stressful. But even when you’re driven to be good at it, you may feel like you can never be good enough.

It’s great to be challenged, but it shouldn’t come at the cost of your self-esteem and overall happiness. You don’t deserve to live in fear, worried that you’ll be verbally abused, unappreciated, or tossed aside.

You can find a balance between work, personal, and family life. Once you feel freer from the past, you may find many new opportunities open up in your life. Set up an appointment to learn more.

Can therapy really help?

Imagine if you could start your day feeling safe and confident. What if you could feel relaxed instead of on edge? Optimistic instead of depressed?

I believe you can have this, and more. To make sure we’re a good fit, we’ll start with a free consultation to discuss your options. If you decide to begin therapy, we’ll review your goals, and how you want to feel going forward.

Once you feel less controlled by your past, you can look to the future.

To begin, visit here to set up a free appointment. I look forward to hearing from you!

Christine Walker Coaching

Trauma-Informed Career Coach & Therapist in Connecticut


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9 am – 5 pm | Closed Tues and Sat
