
Anxiety Therapy

Treatment for anxiety.

Anxiety can range from a bit of nervousness here and there, to an overwhelming feeling that takes over most of your days. While some anxiety is normal, it becomes problematic when it begins to interfere with your everyday life.

People don’t always talk about it, but many professionals I work with have dealt with anxiety on a regular basis. Experiences they’ve described include: 

  • Worrying about everything going wrong
  • Endless ruminating on something they said to a client or boss
  • Working harder, or more, than expected
  • Problems falling asleep
  • Struggles with setting boundaries or saying no at work
  • Feeling on edge much of the time
  • Stomach “flip-flopping” when interacting with others
  • Phobias such as crowds, driving, or talking on the phone
  • Fears about relationships or being abandoned
  • Fears about career changes and the future

Are you looking for anxiety support right away? To learn how I can help, schedule an appointment here.

Types of anxiety conditions.

It’s common to feel anxious about certain situations, such as a big change at work or a first date. However, feeling constantly anxious about your job, relationships, or other parts of your life may mean there’s something a bit more serious going on. 

To better understand this, let’s look at some of the common anxiety conditions I come across.  

General Anxiety Disorder

General anxiety disorder (GAD) is much like it sounds – you might think of it as worrying about everything. You may worry about your kids getting to school on time, the work you have to finish, what the future may hold – you may even worry that you worry too much!

People struggling with GAD sometimes catastrophize about the future, continually imagining that something horrible will happen. This may be done in an effort to prepare for the worst, but it usually just ends up creating more stress. 

Social Phobias

Many of my clients seek me out due to social struggles. They might fear busy events, crowds in public, or interacting with new people. They might worry what they’ll say, that they’ll look stupid, or that they’ve offended others.

OCD traits

Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) involves using repeated behaviors to feel a sense of control. Many people I treat don’t have full-blown OCD, however they may have similar traits. For example, they might check completed work over and over, review messages excessively before sending them, or feel the need to keep things tidy or spotless all of the time. While such behaviors bring immediate relief, over time they can start to take over. 

Panic Attacks

Panic attacks can come along with other anxiety issues, or might be a part of panic disorder. My clients often describe feeling confused, frozen, and unable to think clearly during an attack. Sometimes they worry that they’re having heart attacks or strokes, although doctors have ruled out any physical health problems. 

Panic attacks may come on repeatedly during a specific situation or may seem to happen randomly. That can lead to a fear of having a panic attack, again making the cycle worse. 

No matter what type of anxiety you experience, it shouldn’t affect your quality of life. You deserve to live freely rather than being controlled by fears. If you’re interested in starting therapy to decrease anxiety you can schedule an appointment here.

How does anxiety treatment help?

It’s not uncommon to struggle with anxiety but never tell anyone about it. You may not realize how bad it is because you’ve had it so long. Or, you might worry friends or co-workers will judge you for having emotional struggles.

I get it. You think you should be able to cope on your own, or get over it already. But we all need help from time to time. You deserve support to live your happiest life. 

I offer treatments to help you cope with symptoms, while also getting to the bottom of what’s going on. For example, everyday relaxation skills may allow you to deal better in the moment. And by digging a little deeper, you can start to heal the causes of your fears. 

Here’s a look at some of the techniques I offer as a part of anxiety therapy.

Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT)

I’m trained in dialectical behavioral therapy (DBT) which offers multiple methods in self-care and coping. DBT strategies can help you with the following, and more: 

  • Interpersonal challenges, such as interacting and getting along with others
  • Mindfulness strategies, to help lower anxiety and fears about the future
  • Distress tolerance skills to deal with uncomfortable situations and worries, so you get through them more easily
  • Emotional regulation to help with overwhelming feelings and triggers

DBT-based therapy is a flexible approach that we can adjust depending on your needs and what you’re going through. 

Schema Therapy

We all have set-in patterns. Anxiety is sometimes connected to fears that we developed as children or teenagers. Schema therapy helps you look at your patterns and begin to challenge them. Over time, you can learn to understand why and how your fears developed, and start to respond to them differently.

To learn more about DBT treatment, schema therapy, and other options, click the button below to schedule a consultation.


What if I feel anxious about scheduling?

It’s normal to feel unsure about the next step. I know it takes a lot of courage, especially for someone who struggles a lot with anxiety, to reach out for help. 

However, most people I meet with say they feel much better as soon as we start talking. It’s important to me that you feel safe and comfortable throughout the entire process. 

If you’re interested in therapy but not ready to talk, you can always reach out by email to say hello or ask questions. Visit here to see how you can get in touch.

How will therapy work?

You’re in charge of your own treatment. While I may make suggestions, you always get to decide what we do and how we move forward. I know many people have had bad experiences with doctors or others (or sometimes even therapists). I want you to know that I accept you as you are, and I won’t judge or put you on the spot.

As my clients progress in treatment, they often experience benefits such as the following:

  • Feeling more relaxed
  • Looking forward to the future
  • Increased freedom in their day
  • More confidence in themselves and in their abilities
  • A better understanding of underlying issues
  • New, more effective ways of coping
How do we begin anxiety treatment?

To get started, I generally begin with a free consultation. This gives us a chance to chat a bit and get to know each other. I can make sure that I’m able to help effectively with what you’re going through, and you can decide if you’re ready to move forward. 

Here’s how it works: 

  1. Schedule a free consultation
  2. Chat briefly and decide if you want to continue
  3. Get started with therapy and finding relief

You don’t have to go through high anxiety alone, and you don’t have to accept that it’s a part of life. I’m here to help. Reach out here to get started.

Christine Walker Coaching

Trauma-Informed Career Coach & Therapist in Connecticut


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9 am – 5 pm | Closed Tues and Sat
